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Where and when can i start?

At Castellers de Sarrià we practice every Wednesday and Friday in 2 different locations. Normally you will find us here*: 


Wednesday - 6:30 pm

Centre Parroquial de Sarrià.

(Carrer Pare Miquel de Sarrià, 8. 08034, Barcelona)


Friday - 8:00 pm

Gimnàs de l'Escola Frederic Mistral

(Avinguda Josep Vicenç Foix, 83. 08034, Barcelona)


*Depending on the weather and the season, you might find us in a different place. The best way to find out is contacting us!

How do we practice?

Don't you worry, our welcoming team will guide you through your first practices.


1- We start by warming up in order to avoid injuries during the practice.


2- After that, we work the "beams" out. Those help us to improve the technique, the posture and get us ready to practice the actual human towers without the need of a supporting point. 


3- Once we are done with the "beams", we start practicing the pillars (one person towers) and the actual multi-person human towers, called "proves de castells" in Catalan, which depend on the number of attendees and any future performances (Diadas) we might have. We end the practice with more pillars. 


4- At the end, we stretch again to prevent injuries!


5- And, of course, we chase all of that with the post-practice dinner and drinks, the best way to enjoy the social side and being part of the family of Castellers de Sarrià.

What do you need?

If it is your first time, grab an old shirt, sturdy trousers, lots of energy and excitement and come to the practice of Castellers de Sarrià. 


If you like to have your feet on the ground, you will find your place in the base, called "pinya". If the heights don't scare you and you want to go higher, you will learn how to climb the human tower, being part of the core, called "tronc". But, if you are fast and light, you might end up at the top, reaching for the sky at the part called "pom de dalt". 


But hey, it's not all about strength and holding people, if you have a good ear and your passion is revolving around music, we will teach you how to play the "gralla" and the "tabal", the traditional instruments that go with us to every performance.


The position always depends on personal preference & physical capabilities, but you can try all of them before deciding. And yes, you can change them as many times as you want, learn new ones or move around to learn more about the human tower world in Barcelona. 


Everyone has a place!

Sign up for a trial practice here!

Thanks for signing up & see you soon!

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